However, if the wind blown storm god entourage did not show with its attending royal goddesses, named in the Canaan realm as Astarte and Tannit (thunder and lightning), and thus water the land for a good crop like a bull urinating on a flat rock... some satanic priest would say that something needed to be done to lure the deity’s attention. When rain did not fall, being pre-scientific... but not stupid, the priest divined, “Let’s sacrifice something to get Ba’al’s attention.” There was not enough food, but surely there |
were plenty of relatively insignificant crumb snatcher’s running around playing with dradles. These were already too many to feed if the society's sacrifice idea didn’t work, so child sacrifice would be repeated, again and again, etc. It was done repeatedly to offer up blood and bones. Sometimes by virtue of weather patterns... it worked. The rain would come. Thus as time rolled on, the practice of child sacrifice grew, entrenched satanically by such as Beel-ze-bul into the ancient cultures. To be sure, even when not always |
Though emerging and found as incomplete, different and not fulfilling of society’s expectations, does not mean that something or someone should be eliminated. |
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Abortion advocates offer arguments to support pro-choice legislation and activities. These nullify the rights to life of the unborn, who are considered by God as living human beings from conception. Don’t be fooled! |
Mortality… (cont’d) |