apostles... were to be one with him. In that way the Christian family would eventually be perfectly formed. However, if we read the full story as related to us by scripture we can see that even Saint Peter didn’t quite get it.

 Indeed our Lord was grinding out the Good News… that message of salvation for men and women which meant that people, as sinful and finite, were to carry the story forward. The apostles were to be much like the malleable, low carbon steel found in a Chevy fender. But they were devilishly flawed. According to the Ten Commandments they were as imperfectly soft as the point on that Chevy fender that would split. It would take a perfect act to make them into the Church. So Jesus washed their feet to make them clean and tried to prepare them for the next hit of societal pressure… the blow of his own crucifixion.

 For sure, Jesus accepted a job of redemption given by his Father. He also worked the late shift to get it done. We read that in the night he was betrayed Jesus took bread and broke it, and gave it to his disciples. The hour was most certainly very late… but being divinely appointed it was really not too late.

 That wondrous meal that we read about in the gospels reminds me of the

Family Gathering?

evening dinner scheduled within a few weeks of my working on that Chevy fender. I went with my father to that Budd Company graduation ceremony. There I received my Tool & Die Journeyman certification. My father stood proudly at my side. The plant supervisor gave me my machinist papers. I still have the certificate

preserved in a wall mounting. It’s almost as precious as my baptismal certificate.

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Soft curves of many ‘50s cars gave way to sharp, creased and pointed statements made by higher-powered lines that were to come.

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882778: Barnabas vs. Paul: To Encourage or Confront? Barnabas vs. Paul: To Encourage or Confront?
By C.K. Robertson