take all his good points into account.

 However, because of the Bible teachings I had learned better. Scripture was clear. Saint Paul had said “all fall short”. So in mourning, I forced myself to stop thinking about my father’s final destination. I went on with a funeral, life and its burdens.

 Then about two months after his death, I took our family, then consisting of my wife and two children, shopping at a nearby mall. While I sat on a bench in the center hall and watched puppies playing in the pet shop window, I faintly heard a man call my name. It was my long ago minister from a local independent church. We shook hands and talked for a short bit, and I told him about my father’s death.

 I told him about my seminary education, and about my fears about Dad’s stance before God.

 With those things said, that minister sighed a bit. He said, “Before you sat beside him in the hospital, I visited your dad. Let me assure you that your father was certainly a Christian. He is saved... not by what he was, but by who God is. Your father knew Jesus. He was loved and covered by our Lord’s gifts. He now rests with God.”

 The news stunned me. It comforts me even now. I remember those grace filled words. I know those saving words by heart…, and more. Jesus said, “He that believes in me, though he shall die, yet shall he live. Do you believe this?”

 Yes, I did then and still do believe Jesus… and so did my father. I am reminded of my dad every time I see a choice ‘56 Oldsmobile. I believe he is safely in divine hands. That hopeful truth for me is stronger than any electric utility pole... or the heavy bumper on a 50’s Oldsmobile.

 Thanks be to God.


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