REMEMBERING when as a teenager I got my driver’s license, after passing my driver’s test for a few weeks I still could not drive my father’s car without one of my parents riding along. I’d repeatedly asked to go out alone in dad’s car, his first new car he was able to afford. Eventually… after doing some special chores, I was finally allowed. He gave me the car keys and I drove alone for the first time. I went several city blocks… straight over to my buddy’s house. Picking up Harvey there, we spent that whole Saturday afternoon going to drive-in restaurants to meet girls.

After our rolling adventure was done, I returned the car at suppertime. My father was not happy. I’d properly left the car in the driveway, but with food wrappers and drive-in restaurant trash laying on the front floor.

My father looked at me and just said, “That’s once.”, and handed me a trash container.

Divine Patience

A recent scripture reading reminded me of that long ago episode. In that gospel reading we heard that on the way to Jerusalem, at a certain point... Jesus addressed the Pharisees and then turned his conversation to the disciples. The Pharisees, Sadducees and representatives of the established religious authorities had challenged the teachings of Jesus, in the same way that I had challenged my father’s authority. So, Jesus warned all within hearing that there were those who improperly weighted the minds and spirits of the “little ones” in faith. He said that condemnation would fall upon those who place an undue weight upon the spirits of new believers, including the disciples then and now. Though not specifically named, Jesus seems to indicate the either young or new believers… those people who like children are persons

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.” (Matthew 18:10)