Knowing such revealed truth, we should not look to the feckless leadership of Biden and Company to solve these gross mistakes. We need to approach God with humility, knowing that we voted to elect a dunce as President or if opposing him we failed miserably to elect a suitable, honorable alternative to that office. Consequently, we are all certainly sinful. We must recognize our part in this mess even as we watch the horrid television accounts of women being beaten and killed... children massacred, and men tortured.

 We are therefore called in scripture to ask forgiveness through Christ our Lord, for we allowed our government to stand by dumbfounded as demons roamed. Let us pray to God for deliverance and guidance for us and for those who are oppressed, whether they are Muslim or Christian. Support the cause of freedom and safety for those who are trapped. What should this support look like? First, offer prayers to God for deliverance for all affected by this travesty. Do so in the name of he who gave us warning.., Jesus Christ our Lord. Second, communicate your thoughts and concern to your political representatives. Third, exercise your

right to free speech in the public square. Do this for social settings in a civil manner, in the arenas of both church and state. Finally, use the new and powerful avenues of electronic social media. Influence their offices of profit. It is apparent that such of these as Twitter, gives voice to the offending Taliban leadership yet silences the dialog of our past President Trump. This should not be tolerated! Not only individuals, but entire Christian denominational voices need to be heard.

Finally, knowing that we have forgiveness by the power of the Holy Spirit, let us take a knee to pray for civil empowerment... and then rise to work through charitable and influential organizations to correct the evil ignorance that has beset the office of "Commander in Chief", our military leadership.. and the societies of both America and Afghanistan.

 We must now put on scriptural instruction as the "whole armor of God"! Take up the cross and follow our Lord. He did not stand idle in the face of evil... and neither should we.

So be it in the days ahead. Kyrie Elieson!


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Afghan... (cont’d)